Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Starting with Flartoolkit (Augmented Reality for Flash)

In this post i'll show the Flartoolkit, the flash version of ARToolkit. 
Actually, FLARToolKit is based on NyARToolkit, Java ported version of ARToolKit.

FLARToolKit recognize the marker from input image. and calculate its orientation and position in 3D world, but you should draw 3D  graphics by your own.
The flash 3D engines (Papervision3D, Away3D, Sandy, Alternativa3D) are included for help with this task.
Papervision3D is used in starter-kit.
All you need is have an instalation of Adobe Flash CS4 or CS5. You can get it for free in Adobe site.
When you have the Flash CS, the unique thing that you must do is download the Flar Starter Kit on (in Japanese)
Direct link
After this unzip the file, open the Earth.fla or SimpleCube.fla. You can change the source code and recompile it.
Done, you have the Flartoolkit working =)

1 comment:

  1. im totally a retarded in AR... just a simple question to you, can eclipse work with flartoolkit....
