Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Installing ARToolkit in Windows using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 as IDE

Now i'll show how install ARToolkit on windows 7, using MIcrosoft Visual Studio 2008 as IDE.

First of all we need to install MIcrosoft Visual Studio 2008 (MIcrosoft Visual Studio 2010 works to)
It’s a simple intalation:

Click on Install Visual Studio 2008

After click in Next

Next again

Once more

Time for a coffee

"Enjoy" some pictures of Microsoft programmers.

One more (lol)

Click in finish

Let's install ARToolkit

On windows we can use pre-built ARToolkit. This make more easy to get this working.
 In this site (in Japanese) you can download the pre-built lib (with OpenVRML).
This is the direct link.

Unzip the ARToolKit-2.7.1-bin-book.zip to your C drive for example.
You’ll need to download these files.


Unzip the file DSVL-0.0.8b.zip into ARToolKit folder. Like, C:\ARToolKit\DSVL;
Copy the files DSVL.dll and DSVLd.dll that are in C:\ARToolKit\DSVL\bin for C:\ARToolKit\bin;
After this you’ll need install OpenGL and Glut in Visual Studio 2008
For this download :

Unzip the file to a temporary local. Copy the files opengl32.dll, glut32.dll e glu32.dll to C:\Windows\System32 if you’re in Windows 86x (32bits) or C:\Windows\SysWow64 if Windows 64x
Copy the folder include to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\include and folder lib to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\lib

Now go to C:\ARToolKit and open the file ARToolKit.sln.
A conversion window will appear. Agree to all.

Click on the “Play” button. Must compile without errors

Change the Debug to Release and click again

Now you must be able to compile the examples. Let’s try it. First off all you need to copy these files to C:\windows\system32

Go to C:\ARToolKit\examples\simpleLite and open simpleLite.vcproj and try to compile it.
Everything's runs well, BUT you won’t gonna run it.
You need to copy C:\ARToolKit\bin\Data to C:\ARToolKit\examples\SimpleLite.
Right click on SimpleLite project and go to Properties.

Go to Linker>General and change Output File to $(OutDir)\$(ProjectName).exe. It’s necessary to compile the program to the current folder, and not to the folder C:\ARToolKit\bin

After that you must be able to compile and run the project.
You need to repeat this last step for all example projects you want compile.


  1. This is a really great tutorial! Thank you! I've managed to build ARToolKit but when I try to run the example I get an error saying that "The program can't start because MSVCR71.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem". I've done many searches on the internet and tried all of the suggestions but none of them work. Do you know how I can overcome this issue? Thanks!

  2. Hi, thanks a lot for the comment! About your question, all you need to do is download the dll in this site: http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?msvcr71
    It's a confuse site. You must click in "Or you can Download msvcr71.dll here". After this put the dll in your System32 folder(32 bits) or SystemWOW64 folder (64 bits). Hope you can run it now =)

  3. Got it working! :) Thanks again, this is the only tutorial that's actually helped me install ARToolKit.

  4. Thank you!!!
    It is working on Windows 7 (64 bits) and VS2010 :)

  5. what does that program actually do ? what kind of marker should i give as the input to the camera

  6. You should print this marker:
    Then, when you show this to the camera, a coloured box will appears on the marker :)

  7. I create a new project in visual Studio 2008 and try to compile it. But I get much error like :"Error 22 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _arglTexmapModeSet referenced in function "void __cdecl Keyboard(unsigned char,int,int)" (?Keyboard@@YAXEHH@Z) sdf.obj
    ". So, How should I do in this case. Can you show me how to make new project.

  8. Hi!
    I am new to VC++ development. The steps you provided are very helpful. I have a small issue... When I build and run in Debug mode the SimpleLite example works. But in Release mode the example doesn't run. An error is displayed in the command line: setupCamera(): Unable to open connection to camera.
    main(): Unable to set up AR camera.

    Do you have some idea about this? Thanks!

  9. I can't open the ARToolKit.sln file.
    Help me please :(

  10. hi..i hope u can help me..i can't click on the play button to compile..why?

  11. where i can find the libARvideo.dll and libARvideod.dll?

  12. when i run the sample program simple lite i get this error "Unhandled exception at 0x00254b0f in simpleLited.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000."
    why? can u help me with this

    1. i have the same error, are there anyone who knows the solution to this problem? Thanks in advance.

  13. hi, sorry to disturb. i hv already downloaded all that is needed to be downloaded , i run the simple lite, the black screen appear and the property sheet property also appear but once i click OK, the camara on my laptop just wont open. it says that the binary was not built with debug files. what should i do???

  14. Hi, thanks! This is great tutorial. But I got this error when i try to compile simpleTest example:

    "First-chance exception at 0x774064cf in simpleTest.exe: 0xC0000008: An invalid handle was specified."

    It happen when i try to compile other examples too.
    Can somebody help me with this error, pls. Thanks :)

  15. Hey, thank you very much. I've been trying to install ARtoolkit for a day now, and your tutorial is very well explained and works perfectly :)

    Little thing though:
    1. On the step: "Now you must be able to compile the examples. Let’s try it. First off all you need to copy these files to C:\windows\system32", I actually had to copy these files to SysWOW64 too in order for the examples to work. I'm using VS2010.
    2. I had to download msvcr71.dll and msvcp71.dll too like Kemiga, so you may want to add them directly to the tutorial.

    Once again thank you very much!

  16. hii, does anyone can help me, when I copied the code from loadmultiple.c (ARToolkit library in VS2008) to the new source file and debug it, I face some errors

    error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "struct ObjectData_T * __cdecl read_ObjData(char *,int *)" (?read_ObjData@@YAPAUObjectData_T@@PADPAH@Z) referenced in function "void __cdecl init(void)" (?init@@YAXXZ) mytest004.obj mytest004


    fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals C:\Users\Dedy\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\mytest004\Debug\mytest004.exe mytest004

    I had linked the neccessary .lib, but still these errors appeared. can anyone help me troubleshoot this problem?

  17. hi.. I've been trying through this tutorial. Everything goes right except for the simpleVRML example. I think the problem is in the OpenVRML, but I don't know how to fix it. Can you help me with this? Thank you for your reply.. :)

    1. Having same problem too.. Is there any alternative to overcome this problem? Thanks for concern. =)

    2. I face same problem and I need to know how to fix it.

  18. OpenGL is not working in my system!! It is nor recognizing GLUT functions!! What to do??

  19. hi, do anyone know how to compile the simpleVRML correctly? i had failed to compile it due to many errors( although i had follow the tutorial to compile it)

    below are the examples of errors:

    antlr.lib(MismatchedTokenException.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: void __thiscall std::locale::facet::_Register(void)" (__imp_?_Register@facet@locale@std@@QAEXXZ)

    antlr.lib(BaseAST.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: void __thiscall std::locale::facet::_Register(void)" (__imp_?_Register@facet@locale@std@@QAEXXZ)

  20. great tutorial! finally i could make it works! thanks. it would be great if you could keep developing this blog.

  21. Hi, same problem for me with the OpenVRML that seems not OK.

  22. Unable to start program "C:\ARToolKit\lib\SRC\AR\Debug\libAR.lib" it gives this error when debugging. Any help?

    1. Have you resolved this issue yet as i'm also getting the same error?

  23. I got this error as well : ""C:\ARToolKit\lib\SRC\AR\Debug\libAR.lib". Really hope u can help since i don't know what went wrong :(

  24. can i know how to include iostream lib in vs2010??

  25. i cant open ARToolKit.sln file. instead of appear as ARToolKit.sln, it appeared as ARToolKit.sln.old.

    How to solve this?

  26. Is this still up-to-date or being modified?
    I also got the error:

    Unable to start program 'C:\ARToolKit\lib\SRC\debug\libAR.lib'
    and also get errors during compiling in debug mode.
    Help would be ideal!

  27. Hello sir... I am given a project on the concept of Augmented Reality in which i am told to use ARToolKit. I don't find how get started working with ARToolKit, what is it, and all ? Is it the same as metaio, vuforia and Total immersion ? Please help me..

    1. http://www.artoolworks.com/support/library/ARToolKit_tutorial_1:_First_simple_ARToolKit_scene

  28. Hi Moisés,
    Its a great tutorial to install ARTOOLKIT. I'm able to build all the sample in the project successfully, but still struggling with 'simpleVRML' exe. Its having near 300+ link errors. I'm using VS2012 on windows 7 64-bit. How can I build the solution successfully?
